Tuesday, 6 February 2018

LinuxWorld Informatics Pvt Ltd Summer Internship 2018 for Computer Science Engineering Students May / June, 2018 - Apply Now

LinuxWorld invites applications for summer internships for Computer Science Engineering Students to be conducted during May-July 2018.
The Research Based Internship Projects Core technologies covered in the Summer Internship Program are Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, DevOps, Docker, Cloud Computing, Big Data Hadoop, RedHat, Cassandra, Spark, Python, Splunk and many more
All the projects including the training would be imparted by Renowned Industry Expert Mr. Vimal Daga (CTO - LinuxWorld Informatics Pvt Ltd, Sr. Machine Learning, Cloud, BigData, Splunk &  DevOps  Consultant, KeyNote  Speaker, Entrepreneur, Corporate Trainer)
You will be engaged for a period of 4 / 6 weeks. Your project leader (MENTOR) will evaluate your work at the end of the internship. We expect everyone to work hard, and successfully complete the assignments well in advance of the last date.
To know more about Your Mentor : http://bit.ly/2pcuUa9
To Know more About Summer Internship Program :http://bit.ly/2hkn2Rh
Register online at : http://bit.ly/2D2M2Kk
If you have any query feel free write to hr@lwindia.com
For further advice feel free to call us at +91 9829105960